Ms. Dottie Wurgler-Cronin, General Manager of the Alegre Beach Resort & Spa engaged the consulting & training services of Vic Alcuaz to help their triple-A resort re-define their vision, mission, values & culture statements. This re-definition will be participated by 25 of the resort’s best staff and is scheduled on June 29, 2012.
The other training programs that will be conducted by Vic Alcuaz are the following:
- Leadership Workshop
- Supervisors Workshop
- Service Excellence
All these programs will be conducted from July to September this year. Annabel Ochoa will be co-facilitator.
Alegre Beach Resort & Spa is considered one of Cebu’s best resort and a favorite of many foreign and local travelers. It will undergo a major renovation of all it’s rooms and guest facilities within this year.
For more information about Alegre Beach Resort & Spa please visit their website at