ITHC Kuwait Invites Vic Alcuaz to Conduct His Training Programs for their Staff!

Dr. Hamad Al-Tuajri, President of The International Trade Holdings Company, Kuwait and owner of the Movenpick Hotel Kuwait, SwissBel Hotel Kuwait and the Convention Center & Royal Suites also in Kuwait invited VIC ALCUAZ to conduct 3 of his signature programs for their Executives, Supervisors and Rank & File staff. Among the programs that will be conducted are:

  • ENGAGING EXECUTIVES - a 3 day workshop for the top executives and managers
  • SUPERVISE NOW! - a 2-day workshop for practical day to day supervision
  • EXCELLENT, IT'S ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE! - a service excellence workshop

VIC ALCUAZ will be assisted by his training partner and Life Coach Anabelle Ochoa.

The programs will run from September 26 to October 8, 2010.

Movenpick Hotel, KuwaitSwissBel Hotel, KuwaitConvention Center and Royal Suites, Kuwait

Vic Alcuaz