ITHC Kuwait Invites Vic Alcuaz to Conduct His Training Programs for their Staff!
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Dr. Hamad Al-Tuajri, President of The International Trade Holdings Company, Kuwait and owner of the Movenpick Hotel Kuwait, SwissBel Hotel Kuwait and the Convention Center & Royal Suites also in Kuwait invited VIC ALCUAZ to conduct 3 of his signature programs for their Executives, Supervisors and Rank & File staff. Among the programs that will be conducted are:
ENGAGING EXECUTIVES - a 3 day workshop for the top executives and managers
SUPERVISE NOW! - a 2-day workshop for practical day to day supervision
EXCELLENT, IT'S ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE! - a service excellence workshop
VIC ALCUAZ will be assisted by his training partner and Life Coach Anabelle Ochoa.
The programs will run from September 26 to October 8, 2010.